We buy your Funko collection!

Funko Pops are worth a lot, and the bigger your collection, the easier it is to sell them! 2TTOYS is interested in your collection, so show it to us! Do you want to sell your Funko Pop collection? From a minimum quantity of 30 Funko products, we will buy your collection from you!

We are also interested in real grails of higher value.

How exactly does this work?

We will first assess your collection based on the condition and quality of the products. Back To The Toys does this in the following way:

You forward a PPG or Funko Pop list to: info@backtothetoys.com and include clear photos of your collection. Also indicate the condition of your products.

After receiving your list, we will assess the quality of your Funko Pops within 21 days. You will then also receive a total price from us that we offer to purchase your Funko collection. Back To The Toys only buys products that have been in a smoke-free environment.

What is the price based on?

We assess your collection in advance based on the condition and quality of your products. Based on this we can determine a price. We buy your collection in one go, and the price is adjusted accordingly. Please note that we can offer approximately half the PPG value, because we have to resell your collection in our store/online.

What should I do if I agree with your offered price?

Great, then we can shake hands! You can then drop off your collection in the store in Den Bosch. Unfortunately, shipping is not possible.

How do I receive the offered price?

There are several options in which you can receive the money. You can receive the amount in cash from us when you deliver your collection. Another option is to opt for store credit, with which you can purchase new Funko products in the webshop or in our store!


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